Renegade GuidE

to writing


At the Renegade Guide, we offer an innovative approach to novel writing. No tricks, no prompts, just personalized, goal-oriented, compassionate coaching informed by the latest in neuroscience and psychology.


If you've been struggling with frequent writer's blocks, feeling like you're getting in your own way or something's holding you back from finding your flow and unleashing your full potential as a writer, we're here to help.


With us, you get to know yourself better, and become a better writer in the process. We take the big picture, holistic approach, helping you to clarify why you write, and what your story is truly about, combining craft and psychological insights to give you powerful tools tailored uniquely to your needs.

10,000 hours isn't enough to master a skill. The practice needs to be deliberate. We'll help you figure out what it is you need to focus on the most, and how. Helping you find your voice and your stride is what we're all about.

Check out our services, and get in touch.